Tips on Well Pump Maintenance and Repairs

If you happen to be living outside city limits, possibilities are high that your water supply may be coming from a well. At the heart of your whole well system lies the well pump. Over the years, house calls for pump repairs can begin to pile up.

With this in mind, it becomes very important to invest a bit of your time into understanding the basics of how your water pump operates and what you need to do or avoid so that it may continue to give you optimal service.

How the Water Pump Works

If your water is near the surface, you may manage with a shallow well that is driven by a simple jet pump. If the water is in excess of 25 feet deep, you are most likely going to need a submersible pump system. In case the water pump breaks down, you may have to incur some costly expenditure or even install a new pump.

The Water Services Association of Australia (WSAA) runs a useful website full of information on standards and many other aspects of water usage in Australia such as strategic products, quality assurance and critical infrastructure protection.

Understand the Water Pump is a Complex System

Despite the increasing usage of the Internet as an information repository, certain subjects and areas have remained strangely mysterious. For example, despite their wide use in many parts of Australia, particularly in the rural communities that have no piping system, the majority of people remain mystified by how water pumps operate. This makes many people prone to making potentially dangerous mistakes basically due to misinformation or ignorance.

It is important to understand that your well pump is more like that computer you have in your house or office. It is made up of many sensitive and precise electronics, which typically require a professional whenever they have a problem or are in need of repair.

Do-It-Yourself Approach can be Dangerous

Therefore, it is ill-advised to try a Do-It-Yourself water pump repair as it can be potentially very dangerous. If you have no prior knowledge of how the pump works, don't try fixing the problem by instinct. You may end up exacerbating the problem, leading to more complex repairs that cost you more. 

Engage the Services of a Professional

Usually, well pump malfunctions involve a combination of water or electrical problems. These are potentially dangerous repair issues when not handled with due care or by somebody who has the necessary skills and experience.

The best and safest solution is to engage the services of a pro. The majority of these pump repair pros usually charge by the hour. If you can articulate the problem in detail before calling them, they could give you an estimate for your repair even before they arrive.

Avoid the Cheapest Local Repair Professional

A common mistake you could make in terms of pump repair is to entrust the work to the cheapest or first professional who is available. While it is human nature to look for a good bargain, for this particular area, that should be avoided. To trust your water pump to a professional who is potentially less competent increases the risk of additional issues arising later.

Essentially there is no harm in looking for the best deal, so ensure the individual or company you hire is reputable and competent. For more information, consider visiting professionals' websites like
